Downloadable documents:
- Final-report-of-the-SELAMAT-project-2009.pdf (3411 downloads )
- Presentation-Hans-Marvin-in-Bangkok-October-2004.ppt (47122 downloads )
- J.P. Marvin (2005) : Food Safety & Risk Assessment; EU-Russia Joint Symposium for co-operation in the field of Biotechnology, 3rd International Biotechnology Congress, Moscow , Russia, 14-16 March 2005
- H.J.P. Marvin (2005) : SELAMAT: EU- ASEM cooperation on food safety, Informative RTD meeting on ALCUE-FOOD, SELAMAT, AND EUMERCOPOL projects. European Commission, Brussels, Belgium 7 July 2005
- M. Rose (2005) : EU imports for food and agricultural products. THIAFEX Food Exhibition Bangkok, May 18th 2005. SELAMAT included in talk and leaflets distributed
- M. T. Crespo and MJT Carrondo (2005) : SELAMAT project (SSA)- an informal presentation. Kick off meeting of ALCUE-FOOD project, Buenos Aires, Argentina , 22-24 February 2005
- J . Gilbert (2005) European perspectives – Food imports. International Symposium on Food and Agro-Product Safety.Beijing, China August 10th 2005. Slides on SELAMAT shown and leaflets distributed
- H.J.P. Marvin & H.A. Kuiper (2004) : Positive experiences of Safe Foods project (including introduction to SELAMAT); 2nd Central European Congress on Food, Budapest, Hungary, 26-28 April 2004
- H.J.P. Marvin (2004) : Increasing International Cooperation and Involvement of Accession Countries; SAFE FOODS & SELAMAT; European commission, Brussels , Belgium , May 10, 2004
- H.J.P. Marvin (2004) : European Food Safety goes global; October 7, 2004, Wageningen, the Netherlands
- H.J.P. Marvin (2004) : EU Funding Possibilities on Food Safety, illustrated with some practical examples; Seminar and Workshops on “Food Safety for Thai Export”, Bangkok, Thailand , 26-27th October 2004
- H.J.P. Marvin (2004) : GM Food Crops and Food Safety Research: ENTRANSFOOD & SAFE FOODS (including SELAMAT); EFBIC Workshop on Biosafety and Regulation of GM Plants, Beijing, China,11-13 December 2004.