Organised by DURBAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology
In collaboration with SELAMAT
(Safety Enhancement of Edible Products, Legislation, Analysis and Management, with AAA Countries, by Mutual Training and Research)
Date: 17 May 2017 Time: 08H00—17H00 – Venue: Coastlands Musgrave, KZN, South Africa
Effective and regular hand cleaning is one of the best ways to prevent food borne illness
Food safety is a complex problem in a today’s globalized world. Food’s journey from farm to fork includes multiple steps, many vehicles, and several transformations. As a result, the opportunities for the introduction and spread of contamination increase. Furthermore, World Health Organization reported late last year that 420,000 people (many of them young children) die from contaminated food each year. The report also showed that the biggest burden of food borne illnesses is in Africa and in Southeast Asia.
Considering the importance of food safety in Sub-Saharan Africa, Durban University of Technology (DUT) and SELAMAT could not have picked a better time to host the International Symposium dedicated to Food Safety.
The event will have in attendance several international speakers. The key note speech entitled ‘Food Safety and Quality in a Globalized World’ will be delivered by Dr Masami Takeuchi of Food Agricultural Organization (FAO), Italy. Other topics will include Water use and reuse for agriculture – food safety challenges, Regulatory Framework and Inspection for food safety and control in South Africa, Early warning systems of food safety risks, Consumer trust and food safety, The role of monitoring programs in Food Safety control, Progress of pesticide application and maximum residue limits in China etc.
With the presence of highly affiliated personalities, researchers, scientists around the globe focused on food safety, this symposium will provide the platform for learning and sharing new developments in this field including ways to create a food safety culture in the world. So, if you are a researcher, postgraduate student, food quality officer, food product developer, food retailer, food manufacturer, farmer, food regulator/inspector you should attend.
- Mr Piet Stouten
- Dr Oluwatosin Ijabadeniyi
- Prof Kugen Permaul
- Ms Sohana Ranglal
Download the presentations:
- finalprogram.pdf (945 downloads )
- BN-hazard-ranking-nanotoxicology-Marvin-et-al-2017.pdf (1222 downloads )
- Holistic-approach-Marvin-2016-November-final.pdf (1199 downloads )
- Marvin-et-al-Big-data-food-safety-review-2017-final.pdf (1542 downloads )
- Zherdev-SELAMAT-2017-final.pdf (1083 downloads )
- TeresaDurban-May-20170512.pdf (1111 downloads )
- Xingang-Liu.pdf (1193 downloads )
- ReubenPresentation-2017.pdf (1017 downloads )
- SELAMAT-DURBAN-Obadina-Presentation-.pdf (985 downloads )
- Kaydevchanv.pdf (993 downloads )
- DayaDurban-selamatfinal.pdf (1089 downloads )
- DidierConfMontetRegulation178-2002.pdf (1106 downloads )
- SELAMATConferenceprogramDurban2017.pdf (1143 downloads )